It has been so long! I hope you are safe and COVID-19 free. This year has been a scene from a blockbuster movie. I have been trying my best to keep positive and stay strong but I have dealt with some hard blows.

Since the pandemic, I lost my uncle and that CHANGED my life tremendously. I did my best to hold it all together but as the year has progressed I have found myself needing an escape.

Image used is not used by author.

Unfortunately, I don’t drive so my movement during this pandemic has been minimal so much of my entertainment has been home -based. I didn’t even know I missed “outside” until my friend called with an invite to go for drinks. Unfortunately because of the curfew hours it made no sense to head to Kingston so we decided to find a spot in Portmore. The original plan was Timber Lounge but while walking there we decided to watch a movie instead (the best ideas are usually unplanned).

Kudos to Palace Amusement!

Before entering the theatre we had our temperature checked and we were required to sanitize at the most amusing device; I had to place foot on a lever which allowed the dispensing of the sanitizer. We were instructed that we were only allowed to remove our mask while eating.

The lines at the concession stands met physical distancing requirements.

The instructions given at the door was reiterated by the attendants at the respective theatre and we were also told that we have to turn our phones off in the cinema (Thanks to Disney).

The attendant aided in seating us so that we were appropriately physically distanced. As expected, the cinema was pretty empty which made being the experience not as nerve wrecking. I would love to see how the cinema handles a “full house” in terms of whether they limit the amount of tickets sold based on physical distancing protocols.

Normally I would not be the person who would venture to the movies in a pandemic but the truth is that mental wellness often gets overlooked in situations like this. Once in awhile we crave the need to be in a social setting and I am all for that as long as the proper procedures to ensure everyone’s safety is employed.

So if you feel like catching a movie don’t be too afraid to do it… mask up, sanitize and physical distance.

Until Next Trek

Walk Good


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